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Why I’m Writing This Blog

This post has also been saved to the “About” page. I expect that it will otherwise get lost at the bottom of the pile 🙂

Something is changing in our society. We are less able to debate respectfully and ideas that don't fit into the collectivist (politically correct) model are shouted down as fascist, bigoted whilst people with differing ideas are routinely no-platformed in Universities and social media.

This blog is just a way to express myself. I will leave the comments open (though moderated because of spam) because I invite anyone who reads this and agrees or disagrees to also express themselves.

Why Borg News? Well, I confess to being a Star Trek fan, but beyond that, this collectivist mentality that I mentioned above reminds me of the group-think Borg collective. Whilst it may be efficient to share thoughts, it is is completely dehumanising and, if not resisted, mark, perhaps, the beginning of the end of this western democratic civilisation.

You may think I'm overdoing it slightly (or a lot), but look at our human history. The Greeks, the Persians, the Egyptians, the Romans all had vast and sophisticated civilisations which were undermined by lazy thinking or warlords/crusaders converting vast regions into their respective religious ideologies thereby destroying science, discovery and progress. The Middle-East, the birthplace of Mathematics and scientific thinking is still recovering. Europe only recovered during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods.

We now have Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers, Eco-warriors of all stripes. We are demonstrating about climate change but not coming up with solutions (and no, wind turbines are NOT the solution). We can't handle being offended by ideas and do everything in our power to shut out ideas we don't like or don't agree with. Our educators are so married to “common wisdom” that minorities, the poor, the young, the old, the Gay, the Lesbian, the Transsexuals (I could go on) are being oppressed, that we must find the oppressor – the rich, the businessman, men, boys, whites, white middle-class men and boys. These are the current targets, but it doesn't stop there. If any one in these groups dares to contradict this wisdom they are hounded on social media by the “Progressive” Left.

In this blog, I will call out the Radical Left where I can. I will put myself in front of this ideology and they can take their best shot. If you disagree with me, that's ok. In fact, let me know. Perhaps it will shift my way of thinking. If no-one finds this then that's ok too. At least it will give me a place to put my thoughts.

Until the next time.

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