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Borg News

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Your Disappearing Right to Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression: Article 10 of the Human Rights Act protects your right to hold your own opinions and to express them freely without government interference. But this basic right is about to be taken away for good. It could be argued that we have never had greater freedom of expression. In these times, publishing […]

Complete Failure of UK Leadership will Lead to Destitution

The recent tax hike in the UK targets the young, had a negative effect on jobs and protects pensioner assets on the backs of the young.

The Total Failure of EU Leadership

When even the EU-friendly Times is criticising the EU leadership for failing to lead, you know something is seriously wrong.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

George Orwell

About this Site

This site is dedicated publishing political opinion that is increasingly banned on social media. 

I will leave the comments open (though moderated because of spam) because I invite anyone who reads this and agrees or disagrees to also express themselves.

Why Borg News? It is reflection of what we DON'T want to become – a group-think collectivist echo chamber. Whilst it may be efficient to share thoughts, it is is completely dehumanising and, if not resisted, mark, perhaps, the beginning of the end of this western democratic civilisation.

You may think I’m overdoing it slightly (or a lot), but look at our human history. The Greeks, the Persians, the Egyptians, the Romans all had vast and sophisticated civilisations which were undermined by lazy thinking or warlords/crusaders converting vast regions into their respective religious ideologies thereby destroying science, discovery and progress. The Middle-East, the birthplace of Mathematics and scientific thinking is still recovering. Europe only recovered during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods.

We now have Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers, Eco-warriors of all stripes insisting that their “science” is correct whilst quashing the debate that is so necessary for science. Sometimes it's easy to see the disinformation – like the earth is flat – but sometimes it isn't. Take climate change or global warming as it was known a couple of years ago. Notice the way that the narrative has changed? There is no clear science or study that unequivocally links CO2 to warming. This is a theory – one that is not borne out by the evidence. Say something like that in public and you'd be pilloried. 

On Covid masks, same lack of science and yet governments and doctors insist that these are good things that will “save” people. How? well, your guess is as good as mine – or theirs, since there is no real evidence one way or the other. 

We do not live in a free society anymore. Differing Political Opinion Matters

Hence this blog. Hence these subjects. Popular or unpopular, I will air them here.

Until the next time.