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EU Elections – Change is Coming

Can you feel it?

No really. Can you FEEL it?

Something has happened over the weekend, and it's taken me this long to realise what it is.

Amid the usual barrage of Remainer insults that I'm obviously a Nazi fascist no-good racist – oh yes, and a village idiot, courtesy of Gavin Esler in the Huff Post – I realised something.

This is no longer an election about The Conservatives, or Labour. This is truly our next People's Vote and the People who support Remain are becoming desperate. Although I have some sympathy, Tory Brexiteers are lining up to tell us that we shouldn't vote for The Brexit Party.

Boris Johnson is busy tarting up his leadership credentials with an op-ed in The Telegraph warning us to be afraid of Jeremy Corbyn – the underlying message being to vote Tory or get JC.

Dominic Raab wants to be the new Margaret Thatcher, presumably to represent the real Tory Party, whilst Jeremy Hunt, erstwhile remainer, has come out supporting a “No-Deal”.

Meantime, Jeremy corbyn and the Labour party still seem to be at odds about a new referendum. Their vote is split between Londoner remainers and heartlands leavers. So far they've been clever and avoided the subject altogether, never committing one way or the other.

And who's to blame for this Parliamentary fuck-up? You guessed it: Gina Miller who is now calling on all remainers to “vote tactically” to beat the Brexit Party. She created this mess by taking the government to court and putting Parliament in charge of making a decision. Nevermind that they had already outsourced the problem to the people by legislating for a referendum!

But, as I said above, something is happening. In the US it was the collective finger to the establishment voting for Trump. In hindsight, that may have been a bit of a mistake, but Nigel Farage is not Trump. He believes in free trade and (controlled) immigration. He is not an extremist, but he does believe in Brexit. And he seems to have struck a chord that will change our party politics forever. If, as predicted, the Brexit party get between 30-40% of the vote, no-deal will be back on the table quicker than you can say Backstop.

And don't worry. The more they insult you, the calmer you need to get. A party that didn't exist a few weeks ago is now winning in the polls whereas Change UK (an oxymoron if ever I heard one) is self-destructing. You have it right. You represent the majority and you can win.

We're at a crossroads. We can keep on doing more of the same, or vote for change.

I know which one I'm doing. See you at the polling station.

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